Our 5th Orientation meeting was held at the Rohnert Park Library. Seeing as it was CINCO DE MAYO, we had some wonderful Mexican food snacks!
It's been fun to watch all of you get to know each other...you'll be amazed at how close you will all get once we start traveling. You'll come home with a whole lot of new GREAT friends!
Annemarie did an INSPIRING presentation on packing light! I could hardly believe she got as much as she did in her small suitcase! After the meeting, some of us saw each other at REI buying some of Annemarie and Steve's suggestions! Thank you again Annemarie and Steve for all your help!
We also had a few cultural presentations given. Sarah B. gave hers on the didgeridoo! She brought an instrument - I think she said it was a neighbors...it was beautiful! Sarah gave us a lot of information and even played a note on it! That is ONE thing I really want to bring back.
Sara E. made some ANZAC cookies and some Australian bread. Again, we each were able to have a sample to eat. I have to say (sorry, Alex), but the cookies were a bit tastier than vegemite! I'm not sure what happened to my photo of Sara, so here's another one taken earlier in the year.
Most delegates turned in their cultural presentations...although a few of you still need to turn yours in June 16th.
REMINDERS: Our last meeting (can you believe it?) will be Saturday, June 16th, at 1 p.m. at Mary's Pizza Shack. Remember to bring your passports, up to date journals, and any papers/forms you haven't turned in. I'll be emailing you personally about anything I still need.
The flight itinerary is up...your plane tickets are here (I received them today)...and I believe the polo shirts will be here this week. Wow! If you want your air ticket number so you can put it in for airmiles, email or call me and I'll give you your number. We'll certainly fly a lot of miles between July 7 - 24th!
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