We did a lot of traveling today. We were headed back to Darwin so we could catch our flight - tomorrow - to Cairns. Our first stop was Wangi Falls. Wow! There are 2 waterfalls there and next to one is a sort of natural hot tub. This was a beautiful spot....and again, there were signs to watch out for CROCODILES.
(Again, these were the freshies!)
Wangi Falls...but no crocodiles today.
After our swimming time, we traveled a little bit farther until we came to the GIANT termite mounds. We had been seeing a lot of these, but I think at this spot they were the largest of any we'd seen. There are different kinds of termite mounds. This one is a 'cathedral'. There are also snowmen termite mounds, they're round...and they are needle mounds (they're sharp and pointy) and there's magnetic mounds which are further down the page.

Hannah, Sara E., Andrea, Lauren by a giant termite mound.

Your fearless leaders by a giant termite mound!

This is a field of 'magnetic termite mounds'. They're called that because the termites build them to regulate the temperature better. They face north.

This is a close-up of a magnetic termite mound.

This is a side view of a magnetic mound.

Just as we entered Darwin, we stopped at a Digideroo Hut so some could shop. Someone noticed this baby wallaby out in the front yard, laying in the towel and eating a pear. We found out its mom had been run over and killed. He was SO precious...we held him and took lots of photos.

An older and wiser Andrea (her birthday was the day before...17 years old!) holds the baby wallaby while he eats his pear.

Christine...isn't this beautiful?

Kayla...I love this picture of her!

Sarah...the wallaby must have finished its pear!
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