We're having a superb time...seeing more than you can imagine! On our way to Canberra, we stopped in Berrima for about 30-40 minutes. They had a great little coffee shop...a few stores with merino wool products...it was great to get out and walk a while.

After our time at Vision Valley, we headed to Canberra which is the capital of Australia. Our first visit was to the Australian Institute of Sport. Athletes live here, many have come after being scouted. Our guide told us that the mindset of the athletes is that there is no Plan B....their one goal is to become a professional athlete. We toured the facilites, had lunch, and then had time to play in their virtual sports room. We played basketball, went snow skiing, rock climbing, soccer, cycling, baseball, cricket, rugby....all virtual...all fun! Of course, we hit the gift shop too.

From there we went to the New Parliament House. Again, we had a tour and learned the similarities of our two governments. We went into the Senate and the House of Representatives. They have a wall with the names of every Aussie who has died in war...very moving! They also had their Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

The Australian Flag

Australian Coat of Arms

This is inside New Parliament House. These pillars are made from green granite from Italy.
The roof of the New Parliament House was awesome. The view was incredible. The building actually has the ground ON TOP OF most of the roof. Apparently, an incredible amount of dirt was removed, Parliament built, then the dirt put back. However, there is a HUGE flag pole, which I can't describe in the short time I have this computer, but trust me, you'll see MANY photos when we get home.

What Lynne, Dustin, and I have discovered is FLAT WHITE! It's coffee...delicious coffee!
This was the end of Day 5
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