The Full-On team is from New Zealand. They were a high energy group of young people - probably most in their early to mid twenties. They're trained to push you past your "comfort zone" and to help you learn to trust others within a group situation.
We started the day with an orientation...a talk/discusssion about fears...and some examples of the activities we would do. From there, we divided into 3 groups and headed outside for some warm up activities. The real treat was the three main activities of the day.... The Vertical Challenge, The Leap of Faith, and the Flying Fox Zip Line (thus the title of this post!).
The Leap of Faith was truly just that! Faith that the person holding the rope wouldn't let you fall. With your harness on, you climbed about 30 feet (seemed like 100 feet) up a tree, stood on a platform, and then jumped off. Again, this was wild! Some had a little more trouble than others in the 'trust' department!
The Zip Line was probably the favorite. (Click the link on 'Zip Line' to see a photo of the zip line.) Again we were in harness and helmet. Each person would climb up and walk in a BOAT that was perched upon a cliff. Someone would attach your harness to the tethers...then you would jump out and FLY across this zip line - 400 feet about the ground. The Zip Line was probably at least 200-250 yards long.
The Full-On team debriefed...talking about choices you make in life, and about goals and dreams. It was pretty emotional for some. I felt it was very well done - and so relevant to this age.
Dinner was served and we came to this lodge - Tim, our delegation manager, calls it 'being at summer camp in the winter.' This IS a camp....and it IS winter here! There is another People to People delegation here - also high school. Half of them are from Denver and the other half are from Los Angeles. Some new friendships/acquaintances were made!
Just so you know, in both places we've stayed - there is ONE PHONE that the students can use to call out. Both places have had other P2P getting to the phone is crazy. If you haven't heard from your child - this MIGHT be why - or they might just be having way too much fun. Always consider - NO NEWS IS GOOD NEWS!
Tomorrow morning we're off to Canberra. We'll be there tomorrow night and Friday. Friday we'll head back to Sydney and fly out to Darwin!
G'day, Mates!
Good Morning Group;
I just got to work, it's almost 6 am our time on Wed. the 11th of July. It was really great to read about all of your adventures already. Judy, could you please have Sara Funderburk call home, as her family would like to chat with her, even for just a minuet... Can't wait to read about more of your adventures...
Sincerely, Adele Funderburk
Thanks for the blog Judy! We're travelling with you every day, figuring out the time difference and following the itinerary.
Hey Robbie! Glad you're having a good time. Did you see any wombats at Vision Valley? It looks like a place wombats would like. You'll probably see lots of roos in Canberra, especially near the War Memorial. See if you can capture them on video - they're so cute.
If you do get to see them, please give Omi and Opi and all the rellies a big hug from me.
We love reading about your adventures. thank you so much for keeping us in the loop.
We miss you Christine, and would love to hear from you when you get the chance.
Jim, Jackie, & Cori Bertero
P.S. Sarah, we hope you are having a good time too.
Good Morning!
Thanks for posting the blog! It's so great to hear about all of your adventures. I can't wait to see pictures!
Stacy, it sounds like you were able to finally get some shopping therapy. I hope you are having a great time!
Love you!!!
Aunt Cindy
stacy - mom,tara,cooper and
poppa and i are really missing you
tonite. we are here at poppa's having a barbeque and walking
cooper up to the park. keep shopping girl!!! and enjoy every
minute. Dad playing golf - what else!! have fun and be safe.
We have been following your trip as best we can. Vision Valley sounded exciting and fun. If
Alex Giovannoli gets to read this, please give us a call. Have a great time! love,
Grandma and Grandpa
Hi Everyone,
The blog is great to read, and it seems you all have so many great experiences packed into each day!
Lauren (Pena) thanks for giving us a call~it was great to hear your voice, we miss you! But just keep on having a great time and see everything you can. If you get a chance to shop (somehow I know you will) pick up some little souvenirs for your aunts Merry,Donna,Karen and cousin Marin. Also, Nick & Erin.
Big hugs from us and licks from Corky and Trook!
your mom & dad, Rich & Chris
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